Contact Info...

Call Layananda on 0412543026

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy Autumn to you all,

The cooler weather is a much appreciated wait, I am loving my walk on the beach with the cool wind blowing through my hair.

Hope this email finds you all well and happy.

Term 2 begins after easter in line with the school term.
The meditation Weekend Retreat at South Ballina dates have been confirmed for July 22nd- 24th. Pdf with more information will be out soon. Contact me to place a booking.


Monday & Thursday Yoga & Meditation Class 6.30 - 8pm. This is for beginners to experienced. @$15 per class, held weekly.

Tuesday & Wednesday Meditation- INNER YOGA - 8 Week Course 6.30 - 8pm @$120
Dates: Tuesday April 26th - June 14th
Wednesday April 27th - June 15th
*****Day Course- also available at 10-11.30am on Tuesday same dates as above****

These two courses are guided meditation groups that will cover a range of meditation techniques that aim to help manage our stress patterns, unclutter, calm, clear and relax the mind so that we begin to find inner peace and contentment. Quiet observation and increased awareness creates a balanced & clear mind. Learn tools that help you to ride the waves of life and relieve mental suffering. These powerful tools for change begin to become a daily habit with enormous benefits for your well being.

KIRTAN AND DEVOTIONAL CHANTING- chanting brings forth the ancient yogic tradition of transcendental sound as a healing path towards self-discovery.
Every Sunday night @ 6 - 8pm Includes chai & cake $10

An evening of sacred mantras and devotional chants (kirtan) performed in a call and response style. A musical tapestry that invokes the heart and lifts the spirit, a sound piercing journey into the sublime. A great stress releaser. Come and sing. Bring an instrument.

May we be granted with happiness.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Classes

Namaste & Blessings to All,

I have had quite a few inquiries for Meditation and Yoga Classes and Courses. Please visit my website and click on Newsletter 2011 and Courses for new information.

I am excited to offer a Weekend Live In Retreat in June also. So check out the website and enjoy the pictures.

Love, Light and Lemonade to you all
