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Call Layananda on 0412543026

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

December and beyond

November Newsletter
What's Happening!

Every Sunday Raw Food Stall
@ Missinginham Bridge Market 7am - 11am
Try our delicious raw food desserts & Salads & Lime Drink
Stall also at Lennox Head Markets

December 11th
One Day Mindfulness Meditation Retreat
Saturday - 9am - 4pm - $80/$40 deposit
Vegetarian Meals included - raw food desserts & salads
You will experience
Release of all the stresses of life. Body relaxed. Mind calm. Emotions clear, focused. Deeply rested. Sleep well.
You will understand
Balance, Choice, Silence, Gratefulness, Abundance. Happiness. What a daily meditation practice is and how, when and where to use it?
You will taste
Delicious raw food salads and desserts, gluten, dairy & sugar free.

Held in East Ballina

December 18th
Live Music "Astral Taxi"
with Laya & Band
Saturday 7 - 9pm - $15
Chai & raw food desserts
All Welcome

December 22nd
Solstice Yajna, Yantra & Chanting
Wednesday December 22nd, 10am - 1pm - $10

January 15th

One Day Meditation Retreat
"Fire in the Belly"
Saturday Jan 15th, 2011 - 9am - 4pm $80/$40 deposit
The first step is the Science of Breath. The second, the understanding of the chakras and the third is the sound or vibration, Mantra. To create a 'new body' and a 'new mind', refers to a body whose cell vibrations are higher than average and whose higher brain centres have been awakened and regenerated, thus endowing it with greater vigor & longevity.
Fire in the Belly is all about enhancing our vitality. Through yogic and meditation techniques and also a more nutritious diet we begin the process of unfoldment.
Bookings necessary, vegetarian meals provided.

Weekly Classes
YOGA THERAPY PRIVATE SESSIONS - Wednesdays & Thursdays by appointment $30/Hr.

May health, happiness and love surround you.
Om Shanti

Sunday, November 14, 2010

December meditation day

Namaste Everyone,
For those who have contacted me about the One Day meditation retreat in December 11th here is the information. Please send me an email if you are interested.
May love shine upon you all.
Laya x
One day Retreat
"Mindfulness Meditation from the Tantras"
Saturday 11th December @ 9am - 4pm $80.
You will experience: the release of all the stresses of life. Calm mind. Body relaxed. Emotions clear & focused. Deeply rested. Sleep well.
You will understand: Balance, Choice Silence, Gratefulness, Abundance. Happiness. What a daily meditation pracice is and how when and where to use it?
Portia Tresselt who is a nutritionist and dietrian will also be with us. She will be making some delicious raw food salads and have a chat to us about nuturition and our diet.
Held in East Ballina, Bookings necessary $40 non refundable deposit

Friday, November 5, 2010

Nov news

Namaste Everyone,

The deities or energies of the Kali Yuga are Ganesha and the Devi. We see them everywhere, the Devi in all her manifestations and Ganesh, the elephant faced god, displayed in his splendour. Ganesh represents good living, comfort, luxury, good food, clothes, art, literature and music. Devi symbolizes wealth and ultimate power along with beauty and glamour. Both just what the whole world is seeking.

Coming onto Christmas often a time of stress, however should not be. Festive season, holidays, beach days, friends, family. Why not give someone a yoga or meditation voucher for christmas. I have a Voucher offer of six weekly session @ $80.

One day Retreat
"Mindfulness Meditation from the Tantras"
Saturday 11th December @ 9am - 4pm $80.
You will experience: the release of all the stresses of life. Calm mind. Body relaxed. Emotions clear & focused. Deeply rested. Sleep well.
You will understand: Balance, Choice Silence, Gratefulness, Abundance. Happiness. What a daily meditation pracice is and how when and where to use it?
Held in East Ballina, Bookings necessary $40 non refundable deposit

November, December Timetable
Weekly Classes: Monday 6.30 - 8.30 pm Yoga & Meditation @ $15
Tuesday 6.30 - 8pm Meditation Evening @ $15

Private Sessions: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday sessions between 9 - 4pm.
Bookings necessary @ $40 per hr.

Monthly Kirtan music & sound healing : 3rd Saturday of month, 20th Nov, 18th Dec, 2010 @ 3pm - 5pm @ $5.