Warm Spring Wishes to you all and wasn't it a beautiful day yesterday.
I will be having two open weekly classes-
Monday evening class- Yoga & Meditation at 6.30pm-8pm @ $15.
Tuesday 6.30pm - 7.30pm @ $15.
The rest of the classes are private sessions on request for Meditation,Yoga, Grief counseling, Depression, Stress, Insomnia, spiritual guidance or just to catch up and re look at your personal meditation or yoga practice - $30 per hour.
Day & Evening sessions are available. Please contact me.
Music - Saturdays at 1pm. Learn to sing, sound healing and chai and cake.
Kirtan and Singing - Friday evenings. $10. Please contact me.
One Day Meditation and Yoga Retreat in September. $80 includes vegetarian food. Contact Me.
Also if you are out Nimbin Way. Most Saturday nights I sing with my band. All welcome. We had a great crew out there two saturdays ago, bring along your voice and your instruments.
Love and light to all,
Laya xxx