Contact Info...

Call Layananda on 0412543026

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

December and beyond

November Newsletter
What's Happening!

Every Sunday Raw Food Stall
@ Missinginham Bridge Market 7am - 11am
Try our delicious raw food desserts & Salads & Lime Drink
Stall also at Lennox Head Markets

December 11th
One Day Mindfulness Meditation Retreat
Saturday - 9am - 4pm - $80/$40 deposit
Vegetarian Meals included - raw food desserts & salads
You will experience
Release of all the stresses of life. Body relaxed. Mind calm. Emotions clear, focused. Deeply rested. Sleep well.
You will understand
Balance, Choice, Silence, Gratefulness, Abundance. Happiness. What a daily meditation practice is and how, when and where to use it?
You will taste
Delicious raw food salads and desserts, gluten, dairy & sugar free.

Held in East Ballina

December 18th
Live Music "Astral Taxi"
with Laya & Band
Saturday 7 - 9pm - $15
Chai & raw food desserts
All Welcome

December 22nd
Solstice Yajna, Yantra & Chanting
Wednesday December 22nd, 10am - 1pm - $10

January 15th

One Day Meditation Retreat
"Fire in the Belly"
Saturday Jan 15th, 2011 - 9am - 4pm $80/$40 deposit
The first step is the Science of Breath. The second, the understanding of the chakras and the third is the sound or vibration, Mantra. To create a 'new body' and a 'new mind', refers to a body whose cell vibrations are higher than average and whose higher brain centres have been awakened and regenerated, thus endowing it with greater vigor & longevity.
Fire in the Belly is all about enhancing our vitality. Through yogic and meditation techniques and also a more nutritious diet we begin the process of unfoldment.
Bookings necessary, vegetarian meals provided.

Weekly Classes
YOGA THERAPY PRIVATE SESSIONS - Wednesdays & Thursdays by appointment $30/Hr.

May health, happiness and love surround you.
Om Shanti

Sunday, November 14, 2010

December meditation day

Namaste Everyone,
For those who have contacted me about the One Day meditation retreat in December 11th here is the information. Please send me an email if you are interested.
May love shine upon you all.
Laya x
One day Retreat
"Mindfulness Meditation from the Tantras"
Saturday 11th December @ 9am - 4pm $80.
You will experience: the release of all the stresses of life. Calm mind. Body relaxed. Emotions clear & focused. Deeply rested. Sleep well.
You will understand: Balance, Choice Silence, Gratefulness, Abundance. Happiness. What a daily meditation pracice is and how when and where to use it?
Portia Tresselt who is a nutritionist and dietrian will also be with us. She will be making some delicious raw food salads and have a chat to us about nuturition and our diet.
Held in East Ballina, Bookings necessary $40 non refundable deposit

Friday, November 5, 2010

Nov news

Namaste Everyone,

The deities or energies of the Kali Yuga are Ganesha and the Devi. We see them everywhere, the Devi in all her manifestations and Ganesh, the elephant faced god, displayed in his splendour. Ganesh represents good living, comfort, luxury, good food, clothes, art, literature and music. Devi symbolizes wealth and ultimate power along with beauty and glamour. Both just what the whole world is seeking.

Coming onto Christmas often a time of stress, however should not be. Festive season, holidays, beach days, friends, family. Why not give someone a yoga or meditation voucher for christmas. I have a Voucher offer of six weekly session @ $80.

One day Retreat
"Mindfulness Meditation from the Tantras"
Saturday 11th December @ 9am - 4pm $80.
You will experience: the release of all the stresses of life. Calm mind. Body relaxed. Emotions clear & focused. Deeply rested. Sleep well.
You will understand: Balance, Choice Silence, Gratefulness, Abundance. Happiness. What a daily meditation pracice is and how when and where to use it?
Held in East Ballina, Bookings necessary $40 non refundable deposit

November, December Timetable
Weekly Classes: Monday 6.30 - 8.30 pm Yoga & Meditation @ $15
Tuesday 6.30 - 8pm Meditation Evening @ $15

Private Sessions: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday sessions between 9 - 4pm.
Bookings necessary @ $40 per hr.

Monthly Kirtan music & sound healing : 3rd Saturday of month, 20th Nov, 18th Dec, 2010 @ 3pm - 5pm @ $5.

Friday, October 15, 2010


A night of divine chanting with Melbourne chant band Tone Loka

chakras kirtan.jpg
Saturday, October 23 · 7:00pm - 10:00pm

Location The Lotus Temple 5 Wollongbar St, Byron Bay

More Info The Lotus Temple invites you to:

A night of divine chanting with Melbourne chant band Tone Loka

Saturday 23rd October 7pm
Venue: The Lotus Temple
5 Wollongbar St, Byron Bay
Food available (lovingly made by the Lotus Temple)

Tone Loka are singers & musicians from the Chant Melbourne Collective and Byron Bay's own priestess of chant Laya Jewel.They are one of the leading lights of the burgeoning Melbourne chant scene.
Come and sing along or just sit back and enjoy a night of chants, bhajans and kirtans in both Sanskrit and English.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Oct News

October is a special Month for all yogis and yoginis. It is the time of Navaratri, the nine nights of the Goddess in her forms, Kali, Lakshmi & Saraswati.
The mantra AIM Hrim Klim are used during this navaratri time to represent and help aid mankind's transition toward a new world consciousness that is more feminine, more conciliatory.
However to reach that state we need to bring into balance our passions (saraswati), our financial needs to be cared for (Lakshmi) and then we can achieve higher states of consciousness or a new way of thinking.
It is the mantra for mankind at this moment because we are entering a new phase on the planet where if we are to survive and prosper we will need to change our ways of viewing the world in which we live and share with mankind and nature.
This mantra has the benefit of helping the individual and like the Mahamritunjaya mantra (healing mantra) is also chanted for the benefit of others, all sentient beings.

So this week place a candle, light some incense, place a flower at your altar and say the mantra either 3 times or a full mala 108 times with your intent, for the upliftment of our consciousness.

Whats Happening!
Get set to De-stress before Christmas through a 6 week meditation or yoga course. Learn some simple tools to use everyday, or rekindle your practice. Yoga & Meditation is a great upkeep for body, mind and spirit. Six weekly sessions. $90 course fee or $15 per class. Bookings necessary.
Monday 6.30-8pm Yoga & Meditation
Tuesday 6-7.30pm Meditation Course
Friday 10am-11.30am Meditation Course

Saturday Music, Rythmn & Chanting
Saturdays will begin again at 1.30pm, on the 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month, using sound to heal, followed by kirtan and chanting. Chanting of mantras or sound syllables are directed towards healing certain parts of the body as well as clearing the mind. The subtle vibrations of the chanting mantras have a beneficial effect on uplifting our consciousness. Chai and cake. Bring plate to share. By donation. All welcome. Contact Laya on 0412543026 or email.

BYRON BAY - A Night of Divine Chanting
Bhajans & Kirtans - Saturday 23rd October 7pm -$15
Tone Loka are singers & musicians from the Chant Melbourne collective and Laya.
Venue: The Lotus Temple, 5 wollongbar st, Byron Bay. With food available lovingly made by the Lotus Temple.
Should be a great evening, call and response, so bring your voice.

Every friday night at 7pm at the Bush Theatre Cafe, Nimbin is my music Gig My band and I will nourish your soul with world music, sung in mantras, different languages and sounds with instruments such as harmonium, dulcimer, tabla, sirod, dilruba, durumbuka, santour-hammer dulcimer, viola, wind instruments and percussion, just to mention a few. The atmosphere is electric, healing and each week there is a theme. If you are a musician, singer or dancer you are most welcome to join in. Offered in the cafe is an organic vegetarian dinner, cakes & beverages. All delicious and blessed.

"A New Way of Thinking"
Two Day Retreats will be held at East Ballina.
Saturday 6th November & Saturday 20th November
9am - 4pm - $80 full fee/$40 deposit.
The theme will continue with more advanced techniques, although it is not necessary to do both.
Meditation helps to open our awareness and understanding or our own thought process. The mind is either in the past or in the future and often dissipated, overactive which leaves us fatigued, anxious or depressed. Yoga and meditation raise our level of awareness, increase our bodies vitality so that we can move beyond our old patterns and conditionings and pave new positive pathways that bring balance and a new way of thinking.
Bookings necessary, space limited. More info. contact Laya

Oct News

October is a special Month for all yogis and yoginis. It is the time of Navaratri, the nine nights of the Goddess in her forms, Kali, Lakshmi & Saraswati.
The mantra AIM Hrim Klim are used during this navaratri time to represent and help aid mankind's transition toward a new world consciousness that is more feminine, more conciliatory.
However to reach that state we need to bring into balance our passions (saraswati), our financial needs to be cared for (Lakshmi) and then we can achieve higher states of consciousness or a new way of thinking.
It is the mantra for mankind at this moment because we are entering a new phase on the planet where if we are to survive and prosper we will need to change our ways of viewing the world in which we live and share with mankind and nature.
This mantra has the benefit of helping the individual and like the Mahamritunjaya mantra (healing mantra) is also chanted for the benefit of others, all sentient beings.

So this week place a candle, light some incense, place a flower at your altar and say the mantra either 3 times or a full mala 108 times with your intent, for the upliftment of our consciousness.

Whats Happening!
Get set to De-stress before Christmas through a 6 week meditation or yoga course. Learn some simple tools to use everyday, or rekindle your practice. Yoga & Meditation is a great upkeep for body, mind and spirit. Six weekly sessions. $90 course fee or $15 per class. Bookings necessary.
Monday 6.30-8pm Yoga & Meditation
Tuesday 6-7.30pm Meditation Course
Friday 10am-11.30am Meditation Course

Saturday Music, Rythmn & Chanting
Saturdays will begin again at 1.30pm, on the 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month, using sound to heal, followed by kirtan and chanting. Chanting of mantras or sound syllables are directed towards healing certain parts of the body as well as clearing the mind. The subtle vibrations of the chanting mantras have a beneficial effect on uplifting our consciousness. Chai and cake. Bring plate to share. By donation. All welcome. Contact Laya on 0412543026 or email.

BYRON BAY - A Night of Divine Chanting
Bhajans & Kirtans - Saturday 23rd October 7pm -$15
Tone Loka are singers & musicians from the Chant Melbourne collective and Laya.
Venue: The Lotus Temple, 5 wollongbar st, Byron Bay. With food available lovingly made by the Lotus Temple.
Should be a great evening, call and response, so bring your voice.

Every friday night at 7pm at the Bush Theatre Cafe, Nimbin is my music Gig My band and I will nourish your soul with world music, sung in mantras, different languages and sounds with instruments such as harmonium, dulcimer, tabla, sirod, dilruba, durumbuka, santour-hammer dulcimer, viola, wind instruments and percussion, just to mention a few. The atmosphere is electric, healing and each week there is a theme. If you are a musician, singer or dancer you are most welcome to join in. Offered in the cafe is an organic vegetarian dinner, cakes & beverages. All delicious and blessed.

"A New Way of Thinking"
Two Day Retreats will be held at East Ballina.
Saturday 6th November & Saturday 20th November
9am - 4pm - $80 full fee/$40 deposit.
The theme will continue with more advanced techniques, although it is not necessary to do both.
Meditation helps to open our awareness and understanding or our own thought process. The mind is either in the past or in the future and often dissipated, overactive which leaves us fatigued, anxious or depressed. Yoga and meditation raise our level of awareness, increase our bodies vitality so that we can move beyond our old patterns and conditionings and pave new positive pathways that bring balance and a new way of thinking.
Bookings necessary, space limited. More info. contact Laya

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sept news

Warm Spring Wishes to you all and wasn't it a beautiful day yesterday.
I will be having two open weekly classes-
Monday evening class- Yoga & Meditation at 6.30pm-8pm @ $15.
Tuesday 6.30pm - 7.30pm @ $15.
The rest of the classes are private sessions on request for Meditation,Yoga, Grief counseling, Depression, Stress, Insomnia, spiritual guidance or just to catch up and re look at your personal meditation or yoga practice - $30 per hour.
Day & Evening sessions are available. Please contact me.
Music - Saturdays at 1pm. Learn to sing, sound healing and chai and cake.
Kirtan and Singing - Friday evenings. $10. Please contact me.

One Day Meditation and Yoga Retreat in September. $80 includes vegetarian food. Contact Me.

Also if you are out Nimbin Way. Most Saturday nights I sing with my band. All welcome. We had a great crew out there two saturdays ago, bring along your voice and your instruments.

Love and light to all,
Laya xxx